Elder Andrew Barnard
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
Week 87
ummm i dont have too much time today. this week was good! we had a baptism. my companion elder Bradler is going home tomorrow...hahaha so everyone was giving him advise on what he needs to do. so that sucked! haha it made me think a lot about how things will be when i go home... HAHAHAHA
my new comp is....ELDER LOPES!! this guy is crazy!
anyways, gotta go already!!!
love you guys!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Week 79
well, this week was hard. i forgot my addaptor to send pictures to you guys. so sorry. haha
my comp and i are having a hard time finding good poeple to teach. we only had 4 people at church on sunday but the good news is that at least one of them will be batpised on saturday! LUCAS. the ward where im serving had 2 companionships but on monday nightthe other missionaries got transfered and the whole area is now ours! hahaha we looked in their area book to find that they were teaching a few people but not people interested to change their lives through christ. then out of nowhere the sisters called us and reminded us of a young man that they had been teaching but never had gotten baptised! idk what was going on in their area and i dont know why this kid hasnt been baptised yet but after teaching him on sunday after church and after the sisters also talked to him (because he went to our wared and then to the other ward after) we were able to close his baptism for this week! now we'll be preparing him along with a few others to enter into the waters of baptism this week!!
-Élder Barnard
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Monday, July 3, 2017
Week 74
this week went well.
we had a baptism!!!! wooo woooo!!!
President cordner got here on friday and tomorrow at the mission council meeting ill be able to finally meet him!
so i dont have very much time today but basically to make a long story short....my companion and i are trying to be the best missionaries we could be. or in other words because we are here in brasil we are trying to baptize weekly!!! so far so good! there is only one other missionary here on the mission in front of me for the most amount of weeks in a row as of right now!!!!!
things are getting so crazy around here that even when we know that we are going to bapize we sleep in he baptismal cloths for good luck!!!!!( or at least i do..) my area is straight up the ghetto of São Paulo! i love it!!!!
but little time to spare i wanna wish everybody a good, full of missionary work kindof week!
Élder Barnard
Monday, June 26, 2017
Week 73
well this month has come to an end and its getting harder and harder for me to say that i have to come home in december. i remember when i was a new missionary and i thought that 2 years would never pass by. now with less than 6 months left if i could gain another year and a half back i would!!! time is eating me up!!! the past few weeks have been kindof hard because so many of my life long friends have been going home completing their missions. my companion got transfered last week to the other side of the mission!!! it was kinda hard to say goodbye because he is by far one of my best friends! i never thought id have a friend from texas! haha its a sad thing to see people that you love so much leave... and speaking in leaving, PRESIDENT DALTON is leaving saturday morning.
but lets stop talking about sad goodbyes and let say happy hellos! MY NEW COMPANION IS ELDER L. SOUZA! he is from BAHIA! bahia is a state in the middlish section on brasil. he has a year and 1 month here on his mission. hes really cool! last week he had to get stiches in his head because someone kicked the glasses literally into his head with a soccer ball! but who said that mission scares were a bad thing?
the mission is going good! i´m livin´ my dream as being a zone leader and am trying my very best every day to help my zone in whatever way possible. this month ended and we were super super super close of meeting our goal. one more baptism and we would have beaten it!!! ahhhhhhh
as far as investigators and baptisms...things are going really good! Not the best out of everyone in my mission, but i couldnt ask for anymore haha! things are going great. my companions and and i baptized 6 people in these last 6 weeks!! im excited to help even more people this week!! the feild here in brasil is white as snow and has been ready to harvest ever since the gosple got here!!! my mission president when he was here in 1981 was baptizing anywhere from 5 to 11 people a week. weekly!!! the work has slowed down a little but i know for a fact that before my mission is over i will have accomplised the same!!!! the only thing that has changed is the faith of the members and of the missionarys!! with GOD ALL IS POSSIBLE!!!
i wanted to send everybody pictures from the baptisms yestersay but i forgot my camera at home.....im really bad when it comes to pictures. hopefully next week ill remember to bring my camera so i can send you guys the pictures!!
Monday, June 19, 2017
Week 72
Well.....another transfer happened.. Elder Bowcutt leaves for his new area. President Dalton is going home on Saturday and things are gunna be different around here! I got called as Zone Leader 1 which means that I'm the big boss here in my zone....it's kinda scary though to think about that knowing that just a few weeks ago I was only in charge of a few missionaries as a district leader. But it's a good feeling to know that the Lord trusts in me enough to put me in charge of this zone. My companion will be Elder L. Souza. I dont know him yet so I dont know where he's from or anything but one thing I do know is that this will be his first transfer as Zone leader so I'm basically gunna need to train him again! hahaha but he's a really good missionary who has baptized at least one person every week for 8 weeks in a row. The kid knows what hes doing! haha
On thursday we had our last mission reunion with President Dalton. Everyone cried and cried and cried. It's hard to see someone you love and respect so much leave all of the sudden. I know that other than the Lord and my own Dad, LOREN G. DALTON is the man who has had the most positive influence in my life. He has helped a young-man become a real man who loves and respects his savior more than ever before. He will be missed, but it was an honor to be able to know and work with him.
This week we baptized 2 more people. CAIO and EZIQUIEL. They are brothers in a family of 5. The way we found them was a pure miracle. Their mom had been praying and asking God to send someone who could help her family come closer to one another. She needed more love in her house. That same day that she had prayed, we knocked on their door. This week 2 of her 3 sons got baptised and next week her and her other son will be baptized as well. It was an amazing expeirience to be a part of their conversion.
A member invited us over to learn how to make the number 1 pizza in SÃO PAULO. (I made this pizza from scratch!!! rolled that baby out and everything!!!!) pizzaria DONETTELLO!
Elder BOWCUTT and I. This man is the best comp I've had so far in my whole mission. Love this guy.
Pic with the one and only ELDER JACOB MOOS one of my EXCOMPS (the other two just wanted to be in the pic)
This is CAIO EZIQUIEL and ther other mom, other brother david, and friend Michael
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